GEP – Gesäuse Eisenwurzen Platform
Cross-regional Image and Video Library to be set up
The Styrian Eisenwurzen Nature & Geopark and the Gesäuse Tourist Association have launched a project to set up a joint Image and Video Library including content description. The goal of the so-called “Gesäuse Eisenwurzen Platform” will be to jointly create and use photo and image material. With a collection of the image and video material at hand, access and use of the data will become much easier – not only for those initiating project, but also for all regional partners who may subsequently decide to join in. The output generated will mainly be relevant to marketing and public relations activities. Safeguarding the rights via regional actors, we make sure the data is adequately used. The platform will be efficiently managed and kept up to date by the mentioned project partners who will grant regional partners such as associations, cultural entities, tourist accommodations, municipal authorities or Nature Park partners all the way from Wildalpen to St. Gallen and from Admont to Liezen free access to the platform. These measures will help raise awareness and bolster public presence on a regional level.
Supported by the Federal Ministry for Sustainability and Tourism, the State of Styria and the European Union (LEADER).