| Natur- und Geopark Steirische Eisenwurzen Icon

Styrian Eisenwurzen Nature and Geopark

Where culture and nature are in harmony

Wild and gentle. Exceptional and natural. Calm yet full of life. The Styrian Eisenwurzen Nature and Geopark has many special properties. They describe the uniqueness of this nature reserve in the Upper Styrian border region:

  • The wild water of the Salza, raging unchecked through the valley.
  • The gentle cultural landscape, which is characterized by meadow orchards and alpine pastures.
  • The extraordinary geology that speaks of a bygone era.
  • The natural forests that have been able to develop without human intervention.
  • The quiet places without artificial light where you can still see the starry night sky.
  • A biodiverse region full of life, where rare plants and animals also find a home.

Welcome to the Styrian Eisenwurzen Nature and Geopark.
Welcome to your holiday paradise in the midst of intact nature.

Rules of conduct in the National Park
Rules of conduct in the National Park
The Steirische Eisenwurzen Nature and Geopark is a protected area for the preservation of valuable ecosystems. If you keep the habitat of animals and plants clean, you keep your own habitat clean. Because you are part of these ecosystems.
Rules of conduct on the Salza
Rules of conduct on the Salza
The sandpiper is a rare bird that lives and breeds on the banks of the Salza River. Especially the gravel banks along the mountain river are a highly sensitive habitat.

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News from the Nature and Geopark

Viel Spaß! Aber vorher immer nochmal die Fahrpläne checken: ... Mehr anzeigenWeniger anzeigen
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