Kraus Cave – GeoDorf Gams

After noticing the fascinating dripstones - the stalagmites and stalactites -, the white gypsum crystal columns will certainly catch your eye. They represent a phenomenon throughout Styria. The [...]


The high number of endemic plants, i.e. plant species that occur in one region of the world exclusively, is a special trait of the North-eastern Limestone Alps. The


The Styrian Eisenwurzen Nature & Geopark impresses nature lovers with rare orchid species. Due to its extraordinary appearance, this highly developed and [...]

Wildalpen Arzberg Cave

The protected Arzberg Cave is located near Wildalpen at 730 m above sea level at the northwest of the Arzberg mountain. On this tour, you’ll learn all about the Ice Age in the Salza valley. You [...]