Natural ration
Cross-generational natural space work in the Styrian Eisenwurzen Nature and Geopark
Older people in particular play a decisive role in imparting knowledge, preserving tradition and environmental education in rural regions, such as the Nature and Geopark. With their help, traditional forms of cultivation of natural areas such as meadow orchards, alpine pastures, cottage gardens, etc. can be maintained. The protection of cultural landscapes – one of the most important nature and geopark goals – can be better pursued and implemented by involving older generations. In addition to active involvement, digital media should be used for networking, cross-generational and intercultural work should be promoted and the natural space of the nature and geopark should be supported. With the help of the “Naturration” project, the Steirische Eisenwurzen Nature and Geopark is building on the cooperation of different generations in relation to nature work. Naturration stands for nature & Generation. The project is supported by funds from the regional department of the Province of Styria.