Charging biodiversity
in the Nature Park Styrian Eisenwurzen
This project is a milestone in the nature park -Development of Styria. For the first time, all seven nature parks are equipped with experts who are specifically responsible for the topic of biodiversity. The nature parks are thus developing into an indispensable partner in the implementation of the priority nature conservation goals of the province of Styria.
More information:

Our biodiversity expert DI Eva Maria Vorwagner has been supporting our nature and geopark since August 2016.
To person:
- Forestry studies at BOKU
- Focus on ecological forest protection
- Forest educator and hunter
The scope of work includes:
- Contact point for specialist questions on the topics of biodiversity & Conservation
- Public Relations & Raising awareness
- Supervision of partner companies on nature conservation issues
- Support of the nature park management in matters of nature conservation
- etc
Biodiversity projects
Overview of the biodiverse small projects
Nature conservation campaigns (08/2016 to 06/2019)
Invasive non-native species are contained in public areas and along streams and rivers in cooperation with the mountain and nature rescue service and the nature park schools. The so-called “NEOBIOTA education” is carried out by the biodiversity expert at the nature park schools. Furthermore, in cooperation with the mountain and nature rescue service, care measures will take place in a nature reserve and an attempt will be made to set up amphibian monitoring.
Biodiversity hotspot meadow orchard (02/2018 to 06/2019)
In order to make this habitat more attractive for insects, reptiles and/or amphibians, nesting aids and insect hotels are being built in the species garden of the nature park. In addition to the variety description, it should also be possible for visitors to the gardens to learn about biodiversity in the future, and an offer for this is being developed. In addition, there is a so-called “symbolic planting” of a rare fruit variety in the Wildalpen nature park community on a publicly effective place, which stands for good cooperation in the field of biodiversity and orchards.
Biodiversity education (01/2018 to 06/2019)
In order to increase the focus of the natural park guides on biodiversity, a corresponding guide program should be developed. In particular, the focus should be on habitats, animals and plants in the nature park region that are worthy of protection. The importance of protecting biodiversity should be made clear. A so-called “biodiversity primer” on nature conservation features, technical terms and questions will be developed for this purpose and the guided tour program will be adapted accordingly.
Biodiversity in the garden (02/2018 to 12/2018)
The seed and plant exchange was held again and the biodiversity project “Revitalization of the farm garden” of the first project period is being implemented. This means that seeds and plant material from the exchanges serve as the basis for creating a cottage garden. In addition, seeds are pulled from the garden to initiate a cycle. A cottage garden with regional seed and plant material is being created in cooperation with a nature park school and a specialty partner. A workshop on the cultivation and rearing of useful plants is also offered for the nature park school.
Biodiversity in the river landscape (05/2018 to 06/2019)
The Steirische Eisenwurzen Nature and Geopark is characterized by river landscapes. Many white water sports enthusiasts use the wide range of activities, but are not familiar with the biodiversity of this landscape. Questions like: Why is a river a special habitat? Who lives in/on/around rivers? etc. should be answered in the course of this small project. For this purpose, a report on the biodiversity in the river landscape of the nature park is being prepared by the biodiversity expert. In addition, an information folder about the most important nature conservation features in the river landscape will be prepared in cooperation with the rafting providers in the region. The biodiversity expert also organizes and implements a specialist lecture for rafting guides on “Nature conservation features of the river and the bank”.
Ambassador groups
Work of the biodiversity expert with the ambassador groups
The Styrian Nature Parks have a network of ambassador groups, which is the result of more than 10 years of development work. The focus of the ambassador groups should be directed even more towards nature conservation and biodiversity conservation through intensive cooperation with the biodiversity experts. So that measures of the Austrian Biodiversity Strategy 2020+ are implemented in all groups.
Nature park schools
“Biodiversity in the garden” leads to a cooperation with the nature park school NMS Weißenbach. In preparation for the Day of Biodiversity, the nature park elementary school was visited to work on the topic of “quick-change artists” on the school hedge. The so-called neophyte management is implemented in cooperation with the mountain and nature rescue service in the form of action days. By planting bee-friendly shrubs in the orchard together with the Wildalpen kindergarten, efforts are now being made to have it designated as a nature park kindergarten.
Arbeit der Biodiversitätsexpertin an den Naturparkschulen
Nature park guides
The small-scale biodiversity project “Biodiversity Mediation” leads to close cooperation with the nature park guides. A guide should be worked out together with them. In addition, there is also a management development for the “Biodiversity Hotspot orchard meadow” project. The training courses for these tours can also be seen as further training in the field of nature education – the main topics will be: meadow orchards and the gorge/ravine habitat.
Arbeit der Biodiversitätsexpertin mit den NaturparkführerInnen
Nature park communities
There is a particular collaboration with the Wildalpen nature park community. A meadow orchard was laid out on communal land. This gene conservation garden is regularly expanded and maintained and is also open to the public. Thanks to the small-scale project “Biodiversity Hotspot orchards”, it will also be possible to offer a guided tour in the future. The role of the municipality is clearly defined here: maintenance and care of the garden as well as advertising and marketing/supervision of the resulting management program.
Arbeit der Biodiversitätsexpertin mit den Naturparkgemeinden